Apartment rentals in Winchester, Leesburg, Blacksburg and Martinsburg WV

Northside Village 2BR

Northside Village

Northside Village 2BR

Northside Village


Northside Village 2BR Floorplan

Northside Village 2BR

Northside Village 2BR Floorplan


Availability: Future Vacancies

Price: $895/month

City: Winchester

Location: Northside Village Townhouses

Address: 50 Moreland Drive, Winchester, VA 22601, USA

Type: Townhouse

Size: 850 sqft

Bedrooms: 2

Baths: 1

Utilties: No


  • Laundry room on premises
  • Hardwood Floors
  • Conveniently located on the North end of Winchester
  • Large kitchen


Northside Village is conveniently located off N. Loudoun Street. Two bedrooms, huge kitchens with stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, central air conditioning, wall to wall carpet-gas heat and gas hot water heater. Northside Village is conveniently located off N. Loudoun Street.

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